Monday we would start beating the pavement, but it was first time to build a strategy.
Brad had many contacts at the larger bookstores and decided we should put together a cross-country tour. He contacted Simone at Barnes & Noble and she was happy to accept my offer to do a book tour having heard that I was picked up by Simon & Schuster.
We would begin in two weeks.
Since we were on the west coast, it was decided that we would travel the country from west to east. Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Napa would be the first three stops.
Two Monday's later came quickly as Simone suggested that we strike while the iron was hot. Simon and Schuster promised the book in two weeks, and actually delivered. I was able to get an advance of 2,500 copies. In a whirlwind fashion, I sold one hundred books at my first event in San Francisco and an additional 3,500 thru online channels in the first week. Not only was a published author, I was making money with the book.
Brady would have been proud of me. My greatest accomplishment was undoubtedly raising my children, but the book project had become a close 2nd.
I was happy with my latest success, Brad was happy to be along for the ride, and the whole process was motivating me to write a second book on the road. It was one of the most rewarding points of time in my life.